
Bringing cutting-edge lighting effects to Minecraft, in real-time.

Now you know what it is, here’s how it looks:

ReSTIR for Global Illumination

ReSTIR is the current hot topic in real-time lighting research. The technique is used to extreme variance reduction. My implementation deviates from the original ReSTIR GI paper to minimize memory footprint and be performant while still retaining small intricacies in global illumination. (This screenshot uses only a temporal filter with 40 accumulated samples. This scene is variance-hell for the naive path tracer. On the top left is the framerate on an RTX 3070.)

Denoised Reflections

Raytraced specular reflections are noisy. So I’ve implemented my own denoiser specifically for it. It is a wide bilateral filter that uses scene geometry and an approximated footprint of the BRDF lobe onto the scene to guide the blur. Plus some more magic behind the scenes :)

Volumetric Clouds & Atmosphere

ApolloRT uses ray marching to render the atmosphere and volumetric clouds. And implements multiple-scattering approximations to achieve lighting that is closer to offline renders.